Tizi Ouzou
Mouloud Mammeri University Of Tizi Ouzou

I am Manel Kheffache, 19 years old, im from Tizi Ouzou and I grow up in a very diverse background, I speak Four Languages (Tamazight, English, French and Arabic), I am in 2nd year of bachelor’s degree in Computer Science Engineering, I’ve been a volunteer Organizer in the first Edition of Tizi Bulle, also WikiStage Ben Aknoun and currently at UMMTO Open Days and WikiStage Tizi Ouzou, I have been formed to be a citizen journalist by Yala Academy in the Yala Citizen.

Journalism Program Fall 2017, also have got some certifications from google cloud GCP Essentials, Baseline: Deploy & Develop, Baseline: Infrastructure, I am also a debater member and the general secretary of the UMMTO Debate Club and a food blogger reviewer on instagram as @foodbloggerdz, concerning workshops and skills improving I participated to a workshop of design thinking animated by Mr Karim Brouri, many workshops of GDG and WTM Tizi Ouzou, and also formed to be a delegate at the AMUN Sep 2018 but unfortunately I could not attend the conference at the D-Day.